Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Resolutions, if I can keep them...

Last year I made several resolutions for 2012. I seemed to only keep numbers eight and nine. I really did not get to keep the others very well.  Here is my list of resolutions for 2013:

  1. I should always make time for exercise, even if I am not in the mood, I need to make the time. My muscles are starting to ache from the lack of exercise.
  2. I need get at least 8 hours of sleep, drink plenty of water, cut down on the carbs, just only drink two carbonated beverages a day, and remember to practice portion control.
  3. Always think positive!
  4. If I want it to be a good day, it is up to me to make it a good day.
  5. Keep in touch more with family and friends 
  6. Cut down on computer/internet time.
  7. Read more books.
  8. Keep on making jewelry and start experimenting with other crafts (cross-stitch) 
  9. I should not overload my mind on so many things, and only concentrate on the most important thoughts.
  10. Always remember that life is short

Wishing Everyone a Happy 2013!!


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